Ordinateur portable:DEMO/12345678/F97044J (12345)
Brand/model:Dell Inc. Studio 1537
Operating System:Windows 10 Pro 64-bit 22H2
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Product Id: {3CA0D836-B5E7-463D-A1C5-9F49B3E3EDE6}
Name: calibre
Version: 2.20.0
Language: 0x00000409
Supplier: Kovid Goyal
Help link: http://calibre-ebook.com/help
Product link: http://calibre-ebook.com
Update link: http://calibre-ebook.com/download_windows
Size: 176194560
Install date: 2015-02-25
Architecture: Wow6432Node\
Short hash: 74764818386EA732895AE69E435F7E9B7FA527F6
Version hash: 7DFC4E1751DB3DCA90199DFC249B5B38F636A47F

/ Feedback

Software update

There is an update for this software.

Update: 3.48.0

If you want, download the latest version from the supplier's website.

Link: http://calibre-ebook.com/download

FeedbackReference to a web page or a textual explanation